The Desk

June 6, 2018

Recommended Reading – May

A Wealth of Resources

A Wealth of Resources

Yes, this is supposed to be the May-June Recommended Reading. Would you believe I was held hostage by a savage group of recruiters? How about a mob of HR pros? Oh well, can’t say I didn’t try to come up with an excuse.

Nevertheless, the contributions were sparse but very good. This revival is so new that not many are aware of where or how to submit recommendations nor what the criteria for submissions is.

What to Submit

Submissions can be anything you believe is worthwhile reading, print, digital, or audio. It can be a white paper, journal article, a blog post or article. It can be fiction or non-fiction, and any genre in that space. Humor is good to balance out enlightenment. Even sports and recreation is worth inclusion.

When to Submit

The cutoff date for the bi-monthly post is the 25th of the month. (Shame faced: This post was supposed to be published at the end of May.)

Where to Submit

The best place to lodge a submission is to post the title, a brief summary, and link in the “Books & Publications” folder at Entrances Bulletins. In order to post in the Bulletins, it’s necessary to register with the site. There’s no fee unless you want more advanced features and search capabilities. The registration will also allow you to respond, comment, or share information of your own that’s either a bulletin board item or a conversation starter. Please post your recommendations to the thread for the next issue.

If that’s a pain in the neck, you can also email your recommendation to me. Please include the information requested – title, summary, link. Include in the Subject Line: “Recommended Reading – [Month]”.

May – June Reading Suggestions

Now that the preamble is done, let’s get into what showed up on the reading radar. In no particular order nor grouping, here’s what came across The Desk:

  • Doug Shaw recommended The Descent of Man by Grayson Perry as well as The Will to Change by bell hooks.
  • Nikki Dee wondered where to find some titles and resources re 1820s – 1850s regarding the English working poor. She received over 30 recommendations.
  • Annie Petersen shared an inspiring quote from Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey Now by Maya Angelou. The excerpt says,

    Each one of us has the right and the responsibility to assess the roads which lie ahead, and those over which we have traveled, and if the future road looms ominous or unpromising, and the roads back uninviting, then we need to gather our resolve and, carrying only the necessary baggage, step off that road into another direction. If the new choice is also unpalatable, without embarrassment, we must be ready to change that as well.

    Is there a portion of this title that inspires you?

  • Susanne Dunlap questioned her writing styles for young adult audiences. Sample one of her 4+ star titles, In the Shadow of the Lamp or try Emilie’s Voice.
  • Easily with which many can relate in light of our current domestic affairs, Marcia Fine tells the story of life during turmoil via Hidden Ones: A Life of Memories. It won its seventh award from Jewish Arts & Culture.
  • Just where do you think the story of life is evolving in Maria Gibb’s shares a snippet from Sins of the Father: Children from the Streets Book 2 . The interesting thing about this stolen glance into the story is that the reader is made acutely aware of the peril about our protagonist yet the excerpt is poignant. Is this in Allepo, somewhere in Nicaragua, or one of our domestic neighborhoods?
  • Aside from the fact that she is the author, it was obvious what motivated Suzi Stembridge to share her enthusiasm for The Scorpion’s Last Tale. The thoughts that went through my mind after considering her words related to the work that went into creating those captivating and complicated stories. How much attention to detail and research went into the work so that the reader didn’t feel bogged down by the details but driven to continue reading in order to learn more and discover what was coming to the end while yearning for more of the tale.

    Likewise, it would be interesting to learn how others feel about writing for business and how a report can be turned into a captivating story for the sake of the stakeholders. The two forms of communication are very parallel.

  • Being a researcher for an author resulted in a fan who wrote a wonderful review. That’s the difficulty with learning new things and getting into the undercover story. You get hooked! Just look what happened to poor Jacqueline Reiter who said, “I finished Lynn Bryant’s An Unwilling Alliance this morning, and can’t really do full justice to it in a review, but it’s a book I wholeheartedly recommend (and not just because helping with some of the author’s research questions brought me a valuable new friendship).”
  • And just for the sake of fun, consider an award-winning time travel, Summer of Love by Lisa Mason seems to be one candidate.

Business and Nonfiction

It seems a good time to compare and contrast conditions prior to the current administration to now. Especially significant are the changes in attitudes toward opioids and the impact previously illicit drugs have on the workplace. To the headache of managers and HR professionals is means of reducing workers comp claims as well as better methods of screening for responsible hiring.

To see the other items curated in the folder, go to Reading Recommendations-May ’18.

Remember to submit your own recommendations for the next publication by simply clicking “Reply”, inserting the item along with a URL, and then click “Post”.


Additional Resources:

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